September 14, 2024

Growing Goodness Again

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The world grows darker, alive with the flames of destruction each day. Our own lives are shaped by sorrow, suffering, and situations beyond our control or capacity.

We’ve been battered down, and the spiritual soil has dried up. The scorched earth of our souls stings from lost dreams, deep disappointment, and heartbreak.

The temptation to succumb to apathy in our tired hearts seems easy. Continuing when every step seems small and weighed down is hard.

Sometimes, we question whether we’ll see any good grow from the loss.

How do we rebuild from the rubble?

The good news is God is in the business of restoration. He longs to return the joy of our salvation (Ps 51:12) and exchange our mourning clothes for praise (Is 61:3).

As we wait for God and ask for the things He desires for us—like hope, trust, and more of His Spirit—our souls are strengthened and a deeper faith emerges.

We have a way back to the joy we desire and can grow hope for God’s goodness again.

Here are three truths we can hold to as we prepare our hearts to grow in faith again:

1 – Remember God’s goodness in the past (Ps 77:11–12).

God has always been faithful. Scripture, the events of our lives, and the fingerprints of God’s presence testify to this truth.

What God has done for His people throughout history, He still does today.

The Israelites, fickle as they were to follow God’s commands, still found their way through parted seas and were ushered into the promised land.

We can walk through the list of those who flourished in the Lord’s faithfulness: Esther and the saving of her people, David and his journey from shepherd boy to king, and even the growth of Christ’s Church amidst harsh persecution.



Honored to be on Living By Design’s Saturday SOULfood today; would you join me there to learn the rest of the ways we can grow our hearts in faith again?

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