January 6, 2024

Winter Song

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There’s a bird chirping outside my window. It’s early January. Spring is still a way away. What could this be? Is it a winter bird, one that braves the unyielding cold? Or one who simply got turned upside down and lost her way?

I cross the room to find out. Two plump little brown birds nestle in the branches of my lilac bush, sitting there as if all’s right in the world. Do they know there is still a stretch of snow and ice and frigid temperatures to come? How are they singing? How are they sitting in this bush so content and carefree? These little snowbirds don’t seem to mind their surroundings, but this shouldn’t come as a surprise.

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

Matthew 6:26

These birds need not worry about the elements or season—they are provided for. Surely, if these tiny birds can find a reprieve to this winter, our weary hearts can, too.

What’s keeping you tied up in uncertainty? The strain of your finances, wondering how you can make one more month? Or a relationship gone sour that’s left you standing in the aftermath wondering how in the world things got so tangled? Perhaps it’s the constant unknown of a lingering illness that sets you back yet again in your week. The strain can be too much, but keep faith. If this is a season that’s dragged on and left you longing for brighter days, do not fear. Hope is coming; it is already here. You are seen, and you are cared for. Our God sees to it. He has come for you.

Why do we worry about this winter in our hearts when we have a good God watching out for us? These singing birds remind us that spring will come again. This beacon of hope in the midst of our barren winter implores us to lift our hearts to Him who takes care of the birds. How much more are we tucked into His care?

Consider He who spared nothing—including His son—to save us so we could be made righteous and call God friend. God knows exactly where your heart hangs heavy today, how you ache, how you question all the things yet unknown. How will He provide? How will He come through?

Relax, breathe, remember: He is already making a way.

He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? Romans 8:32

It may be a season you can hardly stand, but you are standing, and you are sustained. God has seen to that. Never has He left or forsaken you; He is always making a way.

Look, listen out your window for the light and sweet song of the sparrow, notice God’s attention to the details of your life and how He will not let you down. Keep holding on to Him, keep clinging to His promises. You are of great value to our great God; spring will come again, but He is also making a new way in your heart right now. Trust Him. Let His love console you. Hitch your hope to His heart and dare to sing your own winter song of praise to warm your faith. Seek His Kingdom, already coming, already here. God is a God of hope, a harbinger of spring and softer days, an anchor of strength in the here and now. He is taking care of you; you are safe with Him. We are always safe with Him.



How has God provided for you in the past?

Tell Him your needs and take a moment to really trust that He will see you through.


Linger with Him:

Matthew 6:25-34; Luke 12:22-31; Philippians 4:19



Father, I’m tired and stretched thin again. I worry, I think, I have trouble sleeping because I’m so caught up in the unknown of my situation. But You tell me that You take care of me, that You provide for me and see me through. You promise there will be light and life on the other side of the season, but that You are also with me here in the middle of the hard. Thank You for taking care of me and showing me that You are here. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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